Foundation Phase Health, Fitness and Well-being Week

One of our highlights of the summer term is the Sports Day but unfortunately due to the current circumstances we will be unable to hold the day this year. To celebrate the importance of taking care of our bodies and our minds we will be holding a Health, Fitness and Well-being week.

There are 20 challenges for your child to try and complete and there will also be an additional “challenge of the day” shared with your child through their Teams page (Year 2) or in their Shared files on j2e (Year 1 and Reception). You might see some familiar faces!

Health, Fitness and Well-being Activities 

Please send us photos or videos on your child completing the challenges through Teams or J2e. We will be preparing a video to celebrate the week.

Your child can complete the challenges against family members or against a friend in the park (following social distancing rules).

I wonder if your child’s class teacher will be able to complete some of the challenges?

Pob lwc!

Foundation Phase Staff

p.s. live streaming sessions will continue this week.