Welcome to the Treganna Council page. pupils have a Council and Eco Council, a yard Crew and more representative groups. During the year, several meetings will be held where pupils will have an opportunity to express an opinion about the school’s procedures and ensure that Ysgol Treganna is a happy school for all.
At the beginning of each school year elections are held. These members meet to discuss the ideas of the pupils before setting priorities and an action program. The representatives are expected to report back to their class following each meeting so that they understand and know what decisions have been made.
These groups give pupils the opportunity to express their opinions and work in partnership with Staff and Governors to improve and develop the school for the benefit of all. It also gives pupils the opportunity to develop a range of skills including communication, listening, expressing opinions, problem solving, decision making and reflection. As they also produce resources, keep records and communicate in a number of ways, they develop their key skills.
The yard crew will assist at break times and work together to order equipment for a break times.Pupils can email or write to the Headteacher directly if they are keen to see a development or change in the School’s order. The Headteacher will work with the Council and staff in order to discuss, promote and (hopefully) implement these proposals.
Driving and Texting
Maia in year 4 has written to me to ask remind you how dangerous driving and texting is.
Supporting comic relief without buying plastic noses
Mia and Emi wrote to ask if we could support comic relief without buying plastic noses
Here’s a BBC News report from the news that week
It was widely reported in the press;
Here’s the article in The Independent newspaper
This group wanted to make a presentation to the school on the dangers of plastic