Half Term

Thank you to all of you for your hard work over the last few weeks. It is very strange to think that we haven’t been together in the class for 9 weeks. We really do miss the children!

The main thing we would like you to do over the half term break is to relax and enjoy time together as a family. If your child would like to complete some activities we have attached the Seren a Sbarc challenge calendar.

Seren a Sbarc May Challenge Calendar

Would it be possible to send your child’s “Diolch” photo through j2e by Friday the 29th please.

The summer term activities will continue on Tuesday the 2nd of June – teachers will not be available online on Monday the 1st due to INSET day.

Have a lovely week and thank from the bottom of our hearts for everything you’ve done to help your child,

The Staff of Mabon, Olwen and Bedwyr