Homework 23.10.2020

Hello year 6.

Half term week is upon us! We’ve had such a fantastic first half term with you in year 6. You are all stars.

Well done for your wonderful Big Writing this week. It was lovely to read all of your fantastic newspaper articles based on Martin Luther King’s ”I have a dream’ speech.

You have been working hard on your fraction’s skills over the past week.

Over the half term break, we would like you to complete a fractions quiz via FORMS on Assignments. Don’t worry if you can’t do all the questions; do what you can. These are mixed level questions.

You can also read books, practise some BUGS online and work on your times tables through TT Rockstars.

And of course, remember to relax over the holidays. Thank you.

Year 6 staff Emoticon, Smile, Emoji, Happy, Happiness, Happy Face