Covid -19 Guidance

Keeping Treganna safe

Our ability to keep Treganna open depends on our community. We make every effort to protect our pupils and staff from Covid-19. We must depend on parents to behave wisely in order to keep the virus levels in the community low, which enables us to open schools. Follow the government guidelines and remember:

  • Don’t send your child to school if they are unwell, even if you don’t think they have Coronavirus.

Please remember:

 Arrive promptly

  • Leave quickly
  • Stay 2m away from others
  • Adults to wear face masks

COVID-19 tests for people with a wider range of symptoms

We advise a Coronavirus test for a revised range of wide symptoms.

In addition to a high temperature, persistent cough or change/loss of sense of smell or taste, you can now get a test if you have any of the following symptoms: tiredness, myalgia (pain or aching in the muscles), sore throat, headache, sneezing, runny nose, loss of appetite, nausea, sickness, or diarrhoea.

These changes have been made to help to discover cases of the new COVID-19 variants and to identify people who might be in danger of spreading the virus to others without realising it.

The Track, Trace, Protect Service will also offer tests to everyone who has been in contact with a positive case, rather than asking them to wait until they develop symptoms, and will offer tests to anyone whose symptoms have changed after they received a negative test result.

You can arrange a test here:  or by phoning 119. When booking a test online, because of the expanded list of symptoms, people should choose the option “your local council asked you to take a test”.